Monday 17 March 2014

That Monday thing

Well Monday is here again. Back to work after an enjoyable weekend off. The weekend is even more important now as work has become busier, not that being at home is quiet, with three kids running around. Just recently though, with the appearance of nicer weather, it has been the twins first opportunities at playing outside,and they are loving it :-)

Sunday was a prime example of the kids enjoying playing in the garden and me enjoying being able to get back out there doing what I love. The twins seem to like daddy doing gardening, as they like to try and help. Isabella trying to sweep, Taylor going after tools and Joseph wanting to help at whatever I'm doing.

This Sunday we washed and waxed the cars, which has needed doing for months, living in the country, means that it's pointless washing cars during winter. The next job was to get the mower out and clean it up. An arm needed replacing as it had rusted and snapped off. Then all the edges of the lawn were trimmed and grass cut. What a difference!!

Plants that have been in the cold frame are now out and planted, I can't wait to see the newly created beds in flower. The two beds either side of the arch have a Bay tree at one side and an Olive tree at the other. There are now delphiniums, lupins, penstemons, several different alliums as well as the beautiful daffodils. Up the arch we have a honeysuckle, clematis and hopefully if they haven't died, two grape vines. It should be interesting.

The twins helped to put the plants in as they tried to help dig the beds last autumn.

The future weekends look like they will be fun. Looking forward to show the kids the veg seeds going in and them seeing what grows. I just have to get through the Monday to Friday thing first. My wife is a SAHM (Stay At Home Mum), wish I could be a SAHG ( Stay At Home Gardener) :-)

Have a good week!

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