Sunday, 22 September 2013

Bargains for next year

Well yesterday was unexpected.

We went out to our local town to spend my son's birthday money. Whilst I took the twins off to waste some time looking round the garden centre, I came across a few bargains. Mostly half price.

First of all I got a Michelmas Daisy of which most of the ones there were flowering, but we managed to find a very nice specimen which was covered in buds, almost ready to burst with a beautiful purple colour.

We also stocked up on sort fruit bushes ready for next year.  Again they were all heavily discounted, but theres nothing wrong with them.  We got a Raspberry, Gooseberry and Blackcurrant.  They are going to be planted down the vegetable patch to the side, where we are going to have a lovely fruit area. 




Whilst on the subject of soft fruit, we have had a lot of Blackberries this year from a bramble going over our fence from next door.  This sending runners out and I am going to make full use of this and propergate a couple of plants.

The final bargain was a Winter Jasmine.  I have been after one of these for a long time as we already have a spring flowering Jasmine.  It was in a very sad way and got almost for free.  But it has been potted up and will have a bit of TLC before being planted in the garden.  The plan was to put in near the spring Jasmine so that the two could entwine themselves and give colour in the garden for a good part of the year between them.

I also ordered a couple of sale items from a gardening website in the form of a Judas tree and two grapevines.  The grapevines will be grown up and over our arch.  I'm looking forward to being able to get grapes from our garden.  In fact, it'll be lovely to be able to get several kinds of fruits that we have grown.  Next year may look at getting some apple trees.  We shall see.

That was yesterday.

Today we are going to a very nice Italian chain of restaurant for a birthday lunch for Joseph.  It should be very nice, with many of our close family members there.

Looking forward to it, then work beckons tomorrow.  To you all, have a good weekend :-)

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